Looking for water feature ideas in your garden? The sound of running water has a relaxing and tranquil effect that calms anyone when they hear it. That is why you see artificial waterfalls in restaurants, hotel lobbies, and so on. No one really knows why it has that soothing effect, but everyone wants to feel it. And you can, by installing a premade fountain or building one on your own.

No matter which you press the button for, you will find an array of beautiful water feature ideas to create these gorgeous features in your yard and make a focal point in your outdoor space that highlights one of the most important elements of nature.

Urn Fountain: A simple urn can make a beautiful, attention-grabbing feature in your garden. It is not overbearingly fancy, so if you want something that is elegant and understated, this is the perfect fountain for you. All you need to do is make sure that the urn or pot that you choose is designed to withstand the elements and last in the outdoors so that it makes it through the year despite whatever Mother Nature has up her sleeves.

Wall Waterfall: If you want decorative water feature ideas, there is nothing quite as stunning as a water wall. It is more modern than a conventional water fountain, so if you are looking something a little more contemporary, this is the one for you. You can get it professionally done, or if you are good with your hands, you can make it a DIY project for your garden and get a striking water fall for your outdoor space.

Stone Pond and Fountain: You can create a lovely water feature in your garden by building a water pond that comes with a little fountain. This is not a difficult DIY project, and you can definitely finish it over a weekend. A pond will make a sweet addition to your garden and add to its visual appeal.

Tiered Pot Fountain: Simply, easy and amazing-looking, a tired pot fountain is a wonderful water feature for your garden. The salient thing about this garden water feature is that you do not need too many materials and tools to build it. You can use two or three pots depending on the size of your garden. Make sure that you take your time looking through gardening stores to find the perfect pots for this project.

Teapot Fountain: Are you wondering how you can use a teapot to make a fountain? It is really easy and looks adorable. Get a rustic vintage teapot and a wine or whisky barrel and you can create an eye-catching water feature for your outdoor space. The result will be a rustic, charming look that will make your garden look even better, especially when your flowers are in full bloom.

Pond and Waterfall: If you want water feature ideas in your outdoor space but want to save money, you can build a pond with a fountain without spending thousands of dollars. This is an easy DIY project and you will easily find the materials and tools you need at your local stores. Place plants around this feature to enhance its looks and get a stunning water feature in your garden.

Container Water Garden: Do you want a water feature but do not have the space for it? Well, then this is the perfect one for you. If you do not have the money, space, or time to build a pond for your garden, no worries – you can make a simple mini pond with a container and some water lilies and lettuce. With just a little imaginative effort, you can have something in your backyard that is much more impressive than the 2015 Jurassic World movie which was tired and dull but that is another topic!

Get a large container and fill it with water and a few pretty stones and then add your plants. There you have it – your very own mini pond that beautifies your garden or porch!

Flower Pot Fountain: This feature is all about the pots, so you need to make sure that you find some stunning ones. Forget about regular terra cotta pots if you want something that really catches the eye. Nowadays, you will find a wide array of pots so take your time in picking a couple for this fountain. You can also add some decorative stones in varying sizes to enhance its appeal.

Canoe Water Pond: Do you have an old canoe lying around? Great! You can use it to make a stunning water feature for your garden. Fill it with water and add plants and add other decorative items. You can also have a small submersible filter so you can add some goldfish in it too if you like! This is a fantastic DIY water feature project that you can have loads of fun with.

If you are looking for ways to add a little something extra to your garden or backyard, fabulous water feature ideas will do the trick. In most projects, you will not have to spend too much money and still get a beautiful feature. All you need is a little imagination and creativity and you can create a beautiful pond or fountain for your outdoor space.

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Winter is coming, and it is time to start planning get-together with loved ones. Nothing beats outdoor entertaining, but with the cold, it can be tough to have a party outside. This is why you need a backyard fire pit.

One solution is to build a fire pit in your backyard. You do not even need to hire a professional to do the job – you can make it a DIY project. You can save that money for something more technical such as installing in lights or bringing in a plumbing for a water fountain and so on. There is nothing wrong with pocketing money and doing a job yourself. With this money, this could be more money towards your kid’s college education.

A few simple steps is all it takes to get a heat fire pit for your backyard. When you are done, you can do all the entertaining you want in your backyard and on your property.

How to Make Your Fire Pit in 4 Steps

So are you ready to make your own fire pit? If yes, let us get started! But before anything else, you need to get your supplies together:

  • Mattock, shovel, or any other digging tool
  • Gravel to fill your pit
  • Colored spray paint
  • Rubber mallet
  • Masonry adhesive
  • Concrete landscaping stones and if you want, a metal fire pit ring. You can buy the stones in a kit that includes the metal ring or by themselves.


Step 1: Outline Your Backyard Fire Pit: Put your stones’ bottom ring in the grass where you want your fire pit located. If you are planning to use the metal ring, you can use it to make a circle by placing the stones around in the area for your fire pit. Remove a couple of stones so that there is some space between them. Then, using the spray paint, mark where the outside of the stones would be. Now, you can remove the remaining stones and get your painted circle completed.

Step 2: Dig Your Backyard Fire Pit: Using your mattock, shovel, or whatever digging tool you require or have, dig out the circle the circle you painted 6” deep. This is will be an easy or a more challenging task depending on the area you live. In some areas, there will be a large number of rocks in the soil as well as grass with really strong roots. If you live in such areas, you should be prepared to do quite a lot of hard work to dig a hole for your fire pit.

Step 3: Fill Up Your Backyard Fire Pit: After you have dug a large 6” hole, the next step is to pour the gravel into the hole. You will need to pour gravel until the gravel and ground are level. This is important as the gravel will provide a crucial drainage area for your fire pit when it rains.

Step 4: Build Your Backyard Fire Pit: It is now time to start placing the first ring of stones around the gravel circle’s edge. The rubber mallet will help you tamp down the stones, flat and even. Again, if you are including a metal ring to make your fire pit, you can keep it in the middle so that you can make sure that you fit your stones right up against the metal ring.

When you are placing the second row of stones, use the masonry adhesive and place some on the bottom of every stone so that you can stagger the second row’s placement. This means that each stone’s middle should be sitting on the end seams of the row of stones beneath it. Use the rubber mallet to tighten and even the placement of the stones. Repeat this process with the third row as well.

Building a Fire in Your New Backyard Fire Pit

When the time comes for you to actually build a fire in your new fire pit, you should start with a smaller collection of newspaper, sticks and dry leaves that are may have piled up together. After you have lit the starter pile, you can start adding small logs and a few big branches, and then start placing bigger pieces of wood as the smaller ones start catching on fire.

After having a couple of fires in your fire pit, you may want to scoop out most of the ashes so that they do not accumulate and build up too high and blow around. You can also use a shop vac to vacuum out the ashes or just use the same shovel you used to dig the fire pit in the first place.

A Few Small Tips

Before you start making your fire pit, you will want to check on your area’s recreational fire code to make sure that you are allowed to have a fire pit on your property. Also, you should build your fire pit at least 10 feet away from any trees, building structures, fences, or other obstructions. Make sure that you do not have branches that hang directly above the fire pit even if the base of the tree is 10 feet away. If your backyard is large, the fire pit could be much further away, 30 feet or even 20 meters away from any fence, home, or structure.

As you can see, it is not tough to build your own fire pit. You do not even need to hire a professional to do the job. With the right materials and tools, you can make a DIY backyard fire pit without any hassles at all. With your new fire pit, you can get friends and family over and have fabulous parties and get-togethers.

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Are you looking for backyard ideas where you can entertain friends and family, but unable to afford it? What if someone told you that there are many cheap and easy ideas to help you get a backyard that is perfect for all your entertaining needs?

You will be surprised by just how much you can do to transform your backyard into a beautiful space where you can have loads of fun with friends and family.

Get Solar Lights: Do you have an old chandelier that you do not use? Do not be so quick to get rid of it just yet. You can use it to decorate your outdoor space and add light and beauty. Replace the old light bulbs in the chandelier with solar lights. Solar lights are fantastic as they are inexpensive and also help you save money in the long run as you do not have to use electricity. Hang it from a tree branch and get a gorgeous decorative item that provides outdoor lighting and magical charm to your backyard ideas.

Play Glow Games: Do you and your family love to spend time playing outdoors? Well, you do not have to limit those to the day. Get glow bracelets and necklaces and play fun rounds of ring toss at night. This is a poignant way to have a bit of fun with your kids and the glowing neon bracelets and necklaces looks super-cool and add more to the fun!

Tie Vases to Your Fence: Are you planning an outdoor party but not sure what to do about the plain-looking fences? Do not think about doing anything too drastic and expensive. A simple yet gorgeous idea is to tie vases to your fences and fill them with flowers or plants. If you do not have vases, you can use old glass bottles too. They will add loads of charm to your backyard space and you can be sure that your guests will adore your decorating idea.

Spray Paint Metal Folding Chairs: Are you panicking because you have nothing but old metal folding chairs for your outdoor party? Relax! There is a super-quick and easy solution. Just spray paint the folding in bright, vibrant colors and transform them into pretty chairs for your backyard party.

Everyone has several of these chairs lying around in the garage or basement, but are hardly used because they are considered quite ugly. But now you can beautify them with some spray paint and have some bright, funky-looking folding chairs. No doubt your guests will ask where you got them from!

Get a Splash Pad: Want a swimming pool, but cannot afford one? What is the next best thing? A splash pad! They cost a few thousands, but that is still much cheaper than getting a pool. Plus, they are much safer as there is no risk of drowning. Splash pads are loads of fun for kids and adults alike. If you want to entertain on a warm, sunny day, this is the perfect solution. You can bet that everyone will love your idea and start getting splash pads for their own homes.

Make Mosquito-Repellant Tiki Torches: Do you need outdoor lighting for your backyard party? No problem. Just make a couple of DIY tiki torches that work as mosquito repellants as well. All you need is old wine bottles, citronella oil and thick wicks. They will look great at night and keep your guests safe from irritating mosquitoes so that they can have fun without getting bitten. If you have old wine bottles, keep several aside as you will find many ways to reuse them around your home.

Use Glow-in-the-Dark Paint for Outdoor Lighting: Other backyard ideas are to get some neat lighting for your outdoor space. Coat a few planters around your backyard with glow-in-the-dark paint and you have instant lighting for those nights you are entertaining. They are safe, help you save money, and look amazing. You will love the effects the paint gives off at night, and so will everyone at your party.

Use Mirrors to Make Your Yard Look Bigger: Is your backyard slightly on the smallish side? Well, not to worry because all you need is an illusion to make it look bigger, especially when you are planning to have friends over. A magnificent trick is to hang mirrors on your fence to make your yard look more spacious than it actually is. Use old windows as frames for the mirrors and you will have a unique and beautiful way to do up your fence while creating an illusion of a bigger yard.

As you can see, there are many simple and cheap ways to get the backyard, you want, especially if you are planning to entertain loved ones. Forget about spending a fortune on giving your backyard a makeover – just get creative and use your imagination to create the perfect backyard for parties and get-togethers with friends and family.

Backyard Ideas

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Would you like to know how to build a playhouse? Building a playhouse and building a house are the same – it is just that a playhouse is on a slightly smaller scale. To make things simple, you can make the little house’s dimensions match the pre-cut lumber that you will be picking up from the home improvement store.

A plywood sheet is 4×8 feet and 2x4s in 8-ft lengths is perfect for a playhouse. So your little house will have a length of 8 feet with 4 foot walls and a roof. This will be a lot less math and minimal work, and your kids will love you for it!

Items You will Need

  • Shovel
  • Drill driver
  • Circular saw
  • 4×4 pressure treated lumber
  • 4×8- foot plywood sheets
  • 2×4 lumber
  • Joist hangars
  • Pick
  • Speed square/rafter square
  • Landscaping cloth
  • Sandpaper

Lay the foundation: You will be keeping things simple, but it is still important to start off right. First, find a place in the yard where there is enough room for the playhouse, making sure that the ground is mostly flat already. Take your shovel and pick, break up the earth and making it level and compact. Make a weed barrier by laying down a sheet of landscaping cloth.

You may not want to build a playhouse directly on the ground. The moisture and earth will rot away the foundation of the playhouse just like it would a normal house.

Frame the floor: The next step is to set two pressure treated 4x4s (the 8-foot ones) on the foundation. Then cut four 4x4s of 4 feet each to fit between the 8-foot 4x4s. Attach the pieces together with joist hangars. This job is best done with pressure treated lumber because it is going directly on the ground, and that will ensure that it is protected from the elements as already mentioned.

You may want to have a cement foundation. You can look online or hire someone who knows more about that.

Frame the side walls: Make the bottom and top of each wall with two 8-foot 2x4s. Make the walls 4-feet high by cutting ten 2×4 studs and keep in mind that the width of the 8-footers need to be accounted for. You will need to make the studs 4 feet, taking away 1½ inches, which is a 2×4’s actual width, so 3 feet 10½ inches. Now, you can lay the lumber on the ground and screw the studs to the plates both on the bottom and top. Keep them 24 inches apart on each center.

There will be 5 studs on each wall. Next, drill a hole of 5/8th inches in the bottom plate in the open bay that is between each stud and drill another hole corresponding to the previous, in the foundation’s 8-foot lengths. As you make the walls stand up on the foundation, drive in a 5/8-inch sized bolt through each of the pre-drilled holes. To prevent the walls from falling outward or inward, secure a 2×4 between them temporarily.

Install the floor: The space between the walls should be perfect for a sheet of plywood, meaning it should be 8 feet in length and 4 feet across. Lay a sheet in the space and every foot or so, screw it into the foundation. While the walls are still open, this is the right time to install an indoor or outdoor carpet if you wish to.

Frame the walls: It is now time to frame the front and back walls. Build the end walls the same way that you did the side walls, but with the top and bottom plates at 4 feet. Each wall requires four 3-foot 10 ½ -inch studs, set so that bay in the square’s center is 2 feet wide. Drill 5/8 holes in the outer bays only and then stand the walls up and bolt them down. Next, screw the studs together where they meet at the structure’s corners and you can remove the temporary support.

Frame the roof: For this, 10 rafters (5 on each side) are required, so they match up with the studs you screwed on the side walls. Cut ten 2x4s to 2-feet 15/16 inches with an angle of 45 degrees on each end. To get the angles, mark them with a speed square/rafter square or use a miter saw.

Now match two rafters up, making a V and screw them through the angle. There should be 5 Vs in the end. Set the Vs on the side walls’ top plate so that they match the studs and screw them down. Finally, make a ridge beam by setting an 8-foot 2×4 the length of the roof in the rafters’ angle abs screw it down to each rafter.

Now, you have a completed playhouse skeleton, so the next steps are to skin the side walls, front and back walls and the roof with the plywood sheets. Once you have done that, sand down the rough edges so that the little ones do not get splinter in their skin. That can be unpleasant and ruin the day!

After that, you can add the finishing touches and give it the look you want. You can give it a rustic or polished finish – that is all up to you! You can get the kids involved by letting them help you paint the wood to protect it. If you can make it match your actual home, that could look pretty sharp! You can have loads of fun with your new playhouse.

Build a Playhouse

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Would you like to know how to build a playhouse? Building a playhouse and building a house are the same – it is just that a playhouse is on a slightly smaller scale. To make things simple, you can make the little house’s dimensions match the pre-cut lumber that you will be picking up from the home improvement store.

A plywood sheet is 4×8 feet and 2x4s in 8-ft lengths is perfect for a playhouse. So your little house will have a length of 8 feet with 4 foot walls and a roof. This will be a lot less math and minimal work, and your kids will love you for it!

Items You will Need

Drill driver
Circular saw
4×4 pressure treated lumber
4×8- foot plywood sheets
2×4 lumber
Joist hangars
Speed square/rafter square
Landscaping cloth

Lay the foundation: You will be keeping things simple, but it is still important to start off right. First, find a place in the yard where there is enough room for the playhouse, making sure that the ground is mostly flat already. Take your shovel and pick, break up the earth and making it level and compact. Make a weed barrier by laying down a sheet of landscaping cloth.

You may not want to build a playhouse directly on the ground. The moisture and earth will rot away the foundation of the playhouse just like it would a normal house.

Frame the floor: The next step is to set two pressure treated 4x4s (the 8-foot ones) on the foundation. Then cut four 4x4s of 4 feet each to fit between the 8-foot 4x4s. Attach the pieces together with joist hangars. This job is best done with pressure treated lumber because it is going directly on the ground, and that will ensure that it is protected from the elements as already mentioned.

You may want to have a cement foundation. You can look online or hire someone who knows more about that.

Frame the side walls: Make the bottom and top of each wall with two 8-foot 2x4s. Make the walls 4-feet high by cutting ten 2×4 studs and keep in mind that the width of the 8-footers need to be accounted for. You will need to make the studs 4 feet, taking away 1½ inches, which is a 2×4’s actual width, so 3 feet 10½ inches. Now, you can lay the lumber on the ground and screw the studs to the plates both on the bottom and top. Keep them 24 inches apart on each center.

There will be 5 studs on each wall. Next, drill a hole of 5/8th inches in the bottom plate in the open bay that is between each stud and drill another hole corresponding to the previous, in the foundation’s 8-foot lengths. As you make the walls stand up on the foundation, drive in a 5/8-inch sized bolt through each of the pre-drilled holes. To prevent the walls from falling outward or inward, secure a 2×4 between them temporarily.

Install the floor: The space between the walls should be perfect for a sheet of plywood, meaning it should be 8 feet in length and 4 feet across. Lay a sheet in the space and every foot or so, screw it into the foundation. While the walls are still open, this is the right time to install an indoor or outdoor carpet if you wish to.

Frame the walls: It is now time to frame the front and back walls. Build the end walls the same way that you did the side walls, but with the top and bottom plates at 4 feet. Each wall requires four 3-foot 10 ½ -inch studs, set so that bay in the square’s center is 2 feet wide. Drill 5/8 holes in the outer bays only and then stand the walls up and bolt them down. Next, screw the studs together where they meet at the structure’s corners and you can remove the temporary support.

Frame the roof: For this, 10 rafters (5 on each side) are required, so they match up with the studs you screwed on the side walls. Cut ten 2x4s to 2-feet 15/16 inches with an angle of 45 degrees on each end. To get the angles, mark them with a speed square/rafter square or use a miter saw.

Now match two rafters up, making a V and screw them through the angle. There should be 5 Vs in the end. Set the Vs on the side walls’ top plate so that they match the studs and screw them down. Finally, make a ridge beam by setting an 8-foot 2×4 the length of the roof in the rafters’ angle abs screw it down to each rafter.

Now, you have a completed playhouse skeleton, so the next steps are to skin the side walls, front and back walls and the roof with the plywood sheets. Once you have done that, sand down the rough edges so that the little ones do not get splinter in their skin. That can be unpleasant and ruin the day!

After that, you can add the finishing touches and give it the look you want. You can give it a rustic or polished finish – that is all up to you! You can get the kids involved by letting them help you paint the wood to protect it. If you can make it match your actual home, that could look pretty sharp! You can have loads of fun with your new playhouse.

Build a Playhouse

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Do you want to know how to secure your shed? Many people assume that their shed does not need protection. After all, it is nothing more than a storage shack where you keep out-of-season items. But while that lawn mower that you have been storing in your shed for many years may not be of much value on its own, have you considered the accumulated worth of the other contents in your shed – gardening gear, power tools, bikes, electrical cord, portable lights, rope, and lots more.

Despite many valuable items such as these stored in them, sheds are rarely secured properly. Whether or not your shed is attached to your home, you should make sure that the same level of security is provided to it as the rest of your property.

Here are a few tips to help ensure that your shed is as safe and secure as the rest of your home and the surrounding property.

Minimize the Risk of Structural Weaknesses: When there are obvious loose slats and patches of rot, your old shed will be able to provide very minimal defense against thieves. The first thing you need to do is identify the problem areas in the shed. Use new panels to reinforce the internal structure and make sure that you fix loose slats as well.

Replace rotten doors and windows and also patch up holes that you see on your roof. Secondly, make sure that your shed is difficult to for criminals to access. Always keep fence openings closed and secure that are around your yard, use thorny plants as a deterrent, by planting them around the shed and if you have overgrown shrubs surrounding your shed, trim them regularly so that they cannot be used as hiding places.

Replace Old Locks: Because many homeowners do not give importance to the security of their sheds, they use old locks. If traditional security is your preferred option, you should replace the old fastener with the strongest hasp and staple you can find with coach bolts. Next, add a strong padlock – preferable one that is rust-resistant or weatherproof – and make sure that you use it each time you close your shed.

Always remember that the harder you make it for a thief to enter your shed, the less likely they will be to try intruding in the first place, because it increases their chances of getting caught. If you prefer a more high-tech option, you should consider investing in an electronic door lock.

Secure Window AC Units: If the window AC units in your shed are not properly secured, burglars looking for access can quickly and easily remove them. You can make sure that it is much more difficult to remove your AC unit by installing a support mechanism that attaches to the exterior wall of your shed.

Although it may take a little more work, you should make sure that you also add a support bracket that can be securely screwed into the wall. This will make it extremely tough for any burglar to move the AC. Once the bracket has been installed, you should also invest in a window security bar. These are affordable improvements that can effectively prevent potential intruders from opening the window above the unit.

Replace Old Hinges: When the hinges of your shed door are exposed and loose, it makes them easy for criminals to unscrew. When this happens, the first thing you should do is replace those old hinges with a set that comes with a non-removable pin. You should look for carriage screws or coach bolts to install the hinges as well, because these types of fasteners come with smooth heads and cannot be removed from the outside once they are screwed in. This will make your shed door stronger and more secure, deterring potential intruders from trying to break in.

Poor Lighting: If your shed is situated in a corner of your yard where it cannot be reached by the porch light, it will make it difficult to see what is going on during the night. The best solution is to invest in motion detector lighting and have it installed. No criminal wants the spotlight on them so this will keep them away for sure. Depending on the strength and range of your lighting, it may also help in deterring intruders from the rest of your property.

There are many effective ways to make sure that your garden shed is properly secured and the items inside are safe. While some are expensive, you will find many affordable and easy ways to secure this structure. They will ensure that potential criminals have a hard time accessing your shed and getting their hands on your hard-earned property.

You can make sure that the equipment, tools, and other items that you store in your shed are safe from the hands of burglars and thieves. So do not neglect your shed and find ways to ensure that it is secure at all times.

How To Secure Your Shed

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Do you want to know how to secure your shed? Many people assume that their shed does not need protection. After all, it is nothing more than a storage shack where you keep out-of-season items. But while that lawn mower that you have been storing in your shed for many years may not be of much value on its own, have you considered the accumulated worth of the other contents in your shed – gardening gear, power tools, bikes, electrical cord, portable lights, rope, and lots more.

Despite many valuable items such as these stored in them, sheds are rarely secured properly. Whether or not your shed is attached to your home, you should make sure that the same level of security is provided to it as the rest of your property.

Here are a few tips to help ensure that your shed is as safe and secure as the rest of your home and the surrounding property.

Minimize the Risk of Structural Weaknesses: When there are obvious loose slats and patches of rot, your old shed will be able to provide very minimal defense against thieves. The first thing you need to do is identify the problem areas in the shed. Use new panels to reinforce the internal structure and make sure that you fix loose slats as well.

Replace rotten doors and windows and also patch up holes that you see on your roof. Secondly, make sure that your shed is difficult to for criminals to access. Always keep fence openings closed and secure that are around your yard, use thorny plants as a deterrent, by planting them around the shed and if you have overgrown shrubs surrounding your shed, trim them regularly so that they cannot be used as hiding places.

Replace Old Locks: Because many homeowners do not give importance to the security of their sheds, they use old locks. If traditional security is your preferred option, you should replace the old fastener with the strongest hasp and staple you can find with coach bolts. Next, add a strong padlock – preferable one that is rust-resistant or weatherproof – and make sure that you use it each time you close your shed.

Always remember that the harder you make it for a thief to enter your shed, the less likely they will be to try intruding in the first place, because it increases their chances of getting caught. If you prefer a more high-tech option, you should consider investing in an electronic door lock.

Secure Window AC Units: If the window AC units in your shed are not properly secured, burglars looking for access can quickly and easily remove them. You can make sure that it is much more difficult to remove your AC unit by installing a support mechanism that attaches to the exterior wall of your shed.

Although it may take a little more work, you should make sure that you also add a support bracket that can be securely screwed into the wall. This will make it extremely tough for any burglar to move the AC. Once the bracket has been installed, you should also invest in a window security bar. These are affordable improvements that can effectively prevent potential intruders from opening the window above the unit.

Replace Old Hinges: When the hinges of your shed door are exposed and loose, it makes them easy for criminals to unscrew. When this happens, the first thing you should do is replace those old hinges with a set that comes with a non-removable pin. You should look for carriage screws or coach bolts to install the hinges as well, because these types of fasteners come with smooth heads and cannot be removed from the outside once they are screwed in. This will make your shed door stronger and more secure, deterring potential intruders from trying to break in.

Poor Lighting: If your shed is situated in a corner of your yard where it cannot be reached by the porch light, it will make it difficult to see what is going on during the night. The best solution is to invest in motion detector lighting and have it installed. No criminal wants the spotlight on them so this will keep them away for sure. Depending on the strength and range of your lighting, it may also help in deterring intruders from the rest of your property.

There are many effective ways to make sure that your garden shed is properly secured and the items inside are safe. While some are expensive, you will find many affordable and easy ways to secure this structure. They will ensure that potential criminals have a hard time accessing your shed and getting their hands on your hard-earned property.

You can make sure that the equipment, tools, and other items that you store in your shed are safe from the hands of burglars and thieves. So do not neglect your shed and find ways to ensure that it is secure at all times.

How To Secure Your Shed

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Want to know how to make a backyard shed sensational? Maybe you have a shed that has seen better days? Well, why not give it a pick-me-up with a makeover? You can make your old garden look pretty and awesome with countless makeover ideas. You do not have to make huge changes or spend a lot of money.

A few simple touches here and there will give your shed a whole new look and feel, and even change the way your yard looks. Here are some fantastic ideas to inspire you to change your shed and make it look stunning.

Give it Color: A new coat of paint can change the way your shed looks in no time. If you are looking for a cheap way to liven up your shed, or just want something quick and easy, all you need is paint. The thing is that you can have a lot of fun and play around with different colors. You can make your old garden shed look bright and fun, and unique – all with just a fresh lick of paint!

Give it New Purpose: If your old shed is just sitting unused in your garden, why not use a new concept for it? You have endless possibilities for a personalized space. You can turn your old shed into almost anything you want. You can turn it into a private retreat where you can escape from everyday life and relax, read, write, or paint. Or you could even transform it into a haven where you and your friends can enjoy afternoon tea without the kids screaming nearby. Another fantastic idea is to turn your shed into the private office you have always wanted.

Create a Secret Hideaway: Love the idea of having a secret hideaway right in your backyard? You can easily do this by planting ivy or any other climber next to your shed. Use a trellis to help the plant grow and eventually, it will blend in with the rest of your garden. If your shed has a porch on the front, you can give it an enchanting look with a climbing rose winding around the front entrance. Every time you need a little peace and quiet, you will have your very own beautiful secret place to hide in!

Add Windows: Most sheds do not have windows and are often dark and dingy inside. You can create a bright and airy space and transform your shed by adding windows. The rays of sunlight that come in will make your shed bright and also make it look a whole lot more spacious. You can use old windows that you may have lying about on your property or make new ones. Whatever you choose, introducing windows to your shed will give it new life and you will love it.

Give it a Fairy Tale Touch: Who does not love the pictures of cottages in fairy tale books? You can create your very own fairy-tale effect by adding fairy lights, bunting, or lanterns. These little additions will make your shed look quaint and cozy and give it a lot of sparkle. With detailing like these, your new oasis will be a far cry from the dark and dingy place that it was before. Create a magical space with this idea.

Surround it with Flowers: Are you tired of looking at your plain garden shed? Well, it is a garden shed, so why not make it look like one? Plant flowers and plants in pots and surround your shed with them. Your tools are all inside, but the flowers will show the work you have been doing. It is also an acute or alluring way to decorate and brighten up an old structure. Adding flowers around your shed will make it look pretty and also enhance your entire yard.

Personalize it with Homemade Stencils: You can add a personal touch to your shed with DIY stencils. The best thing about this idea is that stencils are really easy to make. All you have to do is print your design to size and cut it out using a Stanley knife. Next, stick your stencil in the position you want and paint it over with the same shade of the surface that you are painting on to. Once it dries, paint it over with the second color. Simple and cheap, this is a fabulous idea when you want to give your shed a new, custom look.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless when you want to change the way your rickety old garden shed looks. You can add beautiful colors, or windows, or stencils – the ideas can just keep flowing. All you need is a little imagination. A garden shed is a fantastic space so make the most of it. If you do not like gardening, turn it into another space that you can make good use of. Just remember to make it symbolize your personality.

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Looking for garden party ideas? The days are sunny, warm, and longer which can only mean one thing – it is the perfect time to throw a garden party. What better way to celebrate the season and have a little fun with the people you love? Whether you want elegant and sophisticated or hipster and rustic, there are many amazing garden party ideas that you can use as inspiration.

You do not have to spend hours or a fortune preparing for your outdoor get-together. Here is a list of incredible ideas to help you throw the best garden party anyone has ever been to.

Food and Drink

The first thing you need for any party is food and drinks. Here are some awesome ideas to make sure that you are all set when it comes to eats and beverages. There is nothing wrong with some Taco Bell but of course the fresh food from your garden will make everyone happy. Well, the people that feel like eating healthy at least.

Beverage Station: Why stress yourself out running around after everyone and serving them? You should be having a good time too. Have a beverage station at your gathering where guests can help themselves to anything they want while you enjoy the party too. You can have a friend monitor this area as well. Could be wise, certainly if alcohol is being served.

Watermelon Keg: This will definitely be a big hit at your party. Forget beer kegs – get a watermelon keg with a refreshing drink in it. It is easy to make, fun, and most importantly, it is delicious. You should certainly use this idea for your garden party.

Potato Salad: You cannot have a party without having a giant batch of easy-to-make potato salad. This is something that almost everyone can eat and because it is so easy to make, it will buy you more time to get other things ready.

Pizza Dip: If you are looking for an easy yet tasty snack for everyone to enjoy, you cannot go wrong with a pizza dip. Just make a batch of this yummy cheese and tomato dip and little toasts – everyone can help themselves to this no-fuss snack.

Iced Tea: You cannot have a garden party without refreshing iced tea. It is super-easy to make in no time at all and is sure to keep everyone refreshed while they enjoy your outdoor party. You should definitely not forget this one for your garden do.

Edible Cup and Saucer: You obviously need cups and saucers for your garden party. But why not surprise your guests by giving them this yummy option that they can munch on once they have finished their drink?


Your tableware will set the atmosphere for your garden party so you need to think it out carefully. Here are some prolific ideas to help you out.

Gold Foil Tumblers: This is a simple yet sophisticated DIY that will add a touch of class to any event. It is the perfect way to serve your drinks – your guests will love the idea!

DIY Vases: Who says you need expensive vases to decorate the tables at your garden party? Get simple mason jars and fill them with beautiful flowers. You can add ribbons and other small accessories to make them look elegant without spending too much.

Chalkboard Runner: If you are looking for a fun way to label everything you are serving, a chalkboard table runner is the perfect idea. This is a clever and considerate way to make sure that your guests know what is in the food, especially for those who may have allergies or are just plain fussy.

Confetti Tablecloth: Are you worried that your table will get ruined? An amazing idea is to use this DIY tablecloth which will not cost you much. Just get a plain white tablecloth and paint dots all over it, like confetti.  There you have it – a bright confetti tablecloth that looks adorable and serves its purpose of protecting your table.

Cutlery Pouches: Add a little style to your garden party and use cutlery pouches that have your guests’ fork, spoon and napkin ready. They are super-cute and are very easy to make. All you need is Kraft bags. Remove the top flap, cut them in half vertically and then sew a zigzag seam down the bag’s length. Fold the napkin with the fork and spoon inside and out fold them into the pouches. Pretty simple.

General Decorations

Every party needs decorations and there are many fantastic ideas out there. The best part is that you do not need to shell out loads of cash for them.

Candle Lanterns: Candles create an intimate atmosphere and a soft evening glow. You can make your own candle lanterns with DIY dyed baby jars and have cute colored lanterns glowing all around our garden.

Bunting: You definitely need bunting at a party – it is just one of those decorations that add that holiday look and feel. You can make your own without having to sew anything. Just get the fabric you choose for the bunting, get a length of ribbon and glue the bunting on to it.

With these ideas, you can make sure that your garden party is fun and pretty, without working too hard or spending too much. You can have a successful garden party where everyone has a refreshing time and cannot wait for you to throw another one!

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Looking for pergola ideas for your outdoor area? Pergolas give you an outdoor living space that will add beauty, give you a comfortable place to relax or entertain and increase the value of your property. Whatever your reason for building a pergola, you are sure to find the perfect design for your home.

There are many beautiful pergola ideas to inspire you and help you build the perfect one for your outdoor space.

Rooftop Garden Pergola: If you have a rooftop garden, you should consider building a pergola. You can create a beautiful outdoor dining area that allows you to spend time with loved ones on bright sunny days as well as starry nights. A sagacious idea is to paint the pergola white and build it right in the middle of a garden where you can grow permanent trees and shrubs, fresh seasonal flowers and of course, edibles like herbs, fruits, and veggies.

Patio Pergola: You do not need expensive things to pull off a chic, high-end look in your outdoor space. You can create an amazing outdoor dining area in your patio under a pergola. You can transform your backyard by installing an iron pergola and plant some wisteria, which will turn into a breathtaking canopy overhead. This is a simple idea that will totally transform your patio into an elegant place to gather and dine with friends and family.

Bermudan-Style Pergola: If you are looking for an exotic style for your outdoor space, why not go for a Bermudan-style pergola that has a hint of the Mediterranean? You can make an intimate lounge area underneath or create a relaxing dining area. Whether you are looking to do a lot of outdoor entertaining or lazing around under the sun, this is the perfect pergola to suit your needs and give you the look you want for your outdoor living space.

Pool House Pergola: You can design your pergola based on structures that have inspired you during your travels. Create a beautiful pool house pergola by planting flowering vines all around the structure. They will transform the area beneath your pergola into a cozy room where you can enjoy your days and evenings. This intimate space is sure to become your favorite part of your home.

Rustic Cedar Pergola: There is no rule that says a pergola needs to be smooth and perfect. You can create a pergola that gives your outdoor space, rustic elegance by crafting an arbor with cedar posts. Surround your structure with lots of green trees, bushes and shrubs as well as other plants.

Add a fire pit for those chilly evenings, and you have the perfect place to gather with loved ones no matter what time of the year. If you are more into the rustic look, this is the perfect pergola idea for you.

Lush Patio Pergola: If you are looking for a pergola for your patio that gives you a sense of enclosure, this is the perfect one for you. A fantastic idea is to install four 6×6 posts across the front of your patio arbor. It will help in giving the structure a substantial feel. Add two lattice panels which support a vine of your choice – Armand clematis vines are a regal choice – to give you that sense of enclosure you are looking for in this part of your home.

Wrought Iron Pergola: Are you looking for a sturdy structure that looks great as well? Then a wrought iron pergola is the ideal choice for you. This will give your outdoor seating area structure. To make it even more beautiful, plant climbing roses so that they can grow overhead and give this part of your home even more charm. Add cane furniture underneath for the seating area and you have the perfect outdoor living room.

Weather-Resistant Pergola: If what you want is a pergola for your patio that is perfect throughout the year, this is the best pergola idea. You can install a weather-resistant pergola which has a retractable canopy made of outdoor fabric to protect you from both sun and rain.

Add comfortable seating around a fireplace, making that there are lots of plush cushions and pillows in quality fabric and beautiful patterns to add even more appeal. With this idea, you can create an outdoor living space that is fantastic for parties and entertaining all-year round.

As you can see, there are many amazing pergola ideas that you can use as inspiration no matter what type of home you have. Pergolas really are prolific structures since they serve many purposes. They give you an outdoor living area that is perfect for enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning or entertaining guests on a beautiful night. So get inspired with these ideas and create the perfect pergola for your home.

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