Go Organic
One way to create an eco-garden is by going organic. You can grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, and lawn in a more organic manner by avoiding chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, focus on using non-GMO seeds and organic compost and mulch in your garden. You can also utilize techniques such as companion planting to reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides in your garden.Solar Lights
While lights are a must to make the garden usable in the evenings and at night, you can reduce the dependence on electricity and make the garden eco-friendly by using solar lights. Install solar panels that will recharge a battery during the day and use the power of the sun to keep your garden lighted during the night, or at least most of the night. You may still want to keep a flashlight nearby but with this set up, you will save time and money in several ways.Rain Water Barrels
With many parts of the US experiencing drought and water shortage, you can make your garden eco-friendly and green without feeling guilty about using municipal water by installing rain water barrels. These are barrels that will collect rain water from spouts and store them for use in the garden. You can install a mechanical sprinkler or hose to the rain water barrel to make watering your garden easier.Compost Bin
Depending on the size of your garden, you can either install a compost pit or a compost bin in your yard. A decorative compost bin is a great way to go organic in even a small yard. Simply keep adding dead garden waste and food scraps from your kitchen into the compost bin and spread the compost on garden beds. Let’s be honest, you do not eat everything. There is going to be left over food and scrapings if you cook at home at all.
Eco-Friendly Furniture
You can also use eco-friendly furniture designed for the garden. These wooden furniture are not treated with chemicals and can be left exposed in the garden during the warmer months.Natural Swimming Pools
You can increase the quotient of eco-friendliness in your garden by installing a natural swimming pool or converting your existing swimming pool into a natural one. This typically requires twice the area of the pool to ensure that the water in the pool is cleaned naturally using plants. These pools avoid the use of chlorine and other chemicals and also do not need to be drained. You only need to top up water that evaporates, reducing your water bill as well. You can opt for a hybrid swimming pool that uses some mechanical components and plants instead of chemicals if you do not have sufficient space for a completely natural swimming pool.